
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect valuePlease use an email address that you check often.
Missing or incorrect valuePlease use a phone number that you can be easily reached at.
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value
Missing or incorrect value

D/MLC Graduation Date
Missing or incorrect value
Licensure Audit Request Missing or incorrect value
Note: Licensure is not based on Teaching Experience it is based on the Major/Minor that you graduated with.

Missing or incorrect value
Do You Have Any Previous Teaching Experience? Missing or incorrect valueIf yes, please complete the fields below. We ask that you add each subject as a separate line item and keep the school name consistent throughout.

Have you taken any coursework for another accredited college that you believe may give you credit towards your licensure program? If yes, please complete the fields below. We ask that you add each course as a separate line item and keep the college name consistent throughout.

Missing or incorrect value
Today's Date

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